Your Experts on Abdominoplasty
Dr. med. H. M. Pult
Dr. med. A. Reutemann
Dr. med. S. Zimmermann
The dream of having a flat, taut belly is still a long way, especially after losing a lot of weight or following pregnancy. And age-related loosening of the connective tissue often leads to unsightly excessive skin in the stomach area, which cannot be coaxed away no matter how much exercise or dieting you do. In this case, a corrective abdominoplasty may provide you with a new outlook on life.
Three methods – one goal
Depending on the individual baseline, different options are available to achieve a smooth contour in the stomach area.
A “lower tummy tuck” is recommended if the sagging skin areas are limited to the area of the stomach between the belly button and the pubic bone (see Fig. 1). If a lift of the entire stomach is necessary, the belly button is generally included in the surgery. The belly button will be adjusted to suit the altered conditions, and will be repositioned and reshaped (see Fig. 2). In very rare cases, it’s also necessary to make an additional vertical incision for an abdominoplasty.
The entire incision is chosen so that the scars that result can largely be hidden by bikini bottoms and underwear. If there are excessive fat deposits, any form of abdominoplasty can be combined with simultaneous liposuction.

Tummy tuck procedure
Before starting the procedure, the surgeon first makes precise markings on the area of skin to be lifted. Once under general anesthesia, the excess skin areas and problem areas of fat deposits are carefully removed. Additional muscle lifting is often also recommended. This works like an internal girdle and allows for an even flatter stomach contour. The belly button is also reshaped, sewn in and adjusted to the areas of skin that have been lifted using a special technique.
Individual layers of tissue are then sutured exclusively using dissolving sutures, which do not need to be removed later. The patient then receives a compression girdle, which she should then wear for the next 6 weeks in order to achieve optimal results.
Long-lasting results
A tummy tuck will not impair your ability to have additional children Muscles and tissue do not lose elasticity as a result of the procedure. Long-lasting, aesthetically pleasing results can generally be expected with an abdominal lift.
Useful information on abdominoplasty
OP duration: 2-3 hours. General anesthesia recommended. Inpatient (2 nights).
post-operative treatment
Dissolving sutures; suture removal not required. Special girdle to be worn for 6 weeks.
Able to return to work after 2 weeks. Able to resume normal social activities after 7 days. Sports after 6 weeks. In some cases, a “lower” tummy tuck will be enough to deliver the desired results and only leaves a short scar in the bikini area.
The price of abdominoplasty varies depending on the scope and type of the procedure. The price for a lower tummy tuck at our private clinic starts at 3900 euros; a complete abdominoplasty starts at 6500 euros. As with all plastic and cosmetic procedures, we also offer uncomplicated financing options for abdominoplasty. Learn more here: Financing.